Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Some terms in the Pharmaceutical Sector-3

Parallel Trade - Parallel Trade
Parallel trade, lower prices of goods purchased in a country, and subsequently higher prices for the same goods in another country is sold.

Patent, the patent owner the right to intellectual property law, is a document open to the public. At the same time, information relating to inventions made by the public and to increase public interest and is under the protection of the rights of inventors. Mucide, for publication of the invention, the patent owner to grant a limited monopoly patented product is made by others, the possibility to prevent the use or sale is made. Monopoly rights for a period (now 20 years since the patent application) and at national borders (where the patent is granted) is limited. However, the three conditions are fulfilled in the case of patents: innovation, invention of practicality and innovation in the industry.

Pharmacogenomics - Farmakogenomik
Detect genetic differences between individuals and the appropriate shape series treatment development process.

Pharmacology - Pharmacology
Pharmacology, drug discovery, development and effects of drugs, including an extensive examination covering all aspects of the discipline is.

Medical products on the market life of the license is for the close supervision over the reliability and continuous oversight.

Battery (Patient Information Leaflet - Patient Information Leaflet)
In a specific order, all of the information provided with medicines. Usually, the patient receives medication, the medication is safe and effective use single source of information is explaining.

Prevalence - Prevalence
Terms of population affected by disease rate is used for.

Primary Care - Basic Maintenance
Basic care, age, gender, disease or organ system and the population of individuals with regard to the contacts and provided the first permanent, comprehensive and coordinated care means.

Proteins - Proteins
Proteins, amino acids with a much smaller molecular chain consists of occurs. Some amino acids in proteins can be dozens of thousands of some of it can be. Of each protein, amino acid structure and chain on the space depending on how the curl is a structure peculiar. This structure, protein functions are determined: transport function (hemoglobin blood moves through okisjen), against microbial defense (antibodies), hormonal activity (insulin, adrenaline, etc..), Cells of the biochemical reactions of the act (enzymes) as well as other functions that are available.

Proteomics - Proteomics
Proteomics, the protein in the organism to be isolated, to parse, it is considered as a functional definition and includes, all protein sequences in the tissue and the analysis of protein expression patterns. Genes, cells encode proteins that perform the basic activities are. Protein transmits the message, removes damaged tissue and to provide yapıtaşları performs vital reaction. Proteins, the molecular machinery of genetic instructions are fulfilled. Protein production or function abnormalities are associated with many diseases and health conditions. In the treatment of a specific disease in question is in the best way to understand the disease and to identify proteins associated with it is necessary to understand the function.

Public Health - Public Health
Public Health, Maastricht Treaty, the EC Treaty in the life of the 152nd Article has been covered. According to this Article, the Community, including drug addiction, disease prevention and infection, to cause disease to investigate the origin of the public are obliged to inform and encourage training. Amsterdam Treaty, the Community policies and activities of human health to ensure a high level of observance in the definition and implementation of this goal requires the support. According to Article 152, the actions taken in line with this objective, Member States complete the actions taken by the Community measures may include. However, in line yerindenlik policy, the actual approach to encourage cooperation between Member States should be.

Prescription drugs (the term is used in the United States)

(Standard International Trade Classification). Standard International Trade Classification.

Small and medium-scale enterprises is the abbreviation used for.
SmPC (Summary of Product Characteristics - Short Product Information)
A medical product to the EU institutions or officials of Member States to be reviewed by EMEA companies are required to submit a file. In Europe in terms of content and presentation of existing guidelines (Directive 65/65/EEC URL amending the Directive 83/570/EEC) had to be prepared in accordance with this file consists of four parts. In the first section, where short product information in the administrative information and a summary of the file is located. However, in Europe, is known as SPC or SmPC essential and inseparable part of the license approval.

SPC (Supplementary Protection Certificate - Additional Protection Certificate)
SPC for pharmaceutical products will apply. The European Union on 2 January 1993, entered into force by regulation. Products in the EU countries since the first time the marketing license to provide a maximum of 15 years, the patent applies to the longest period of 5 years SPC'nin.

Stem cell - Stem Cells
Stem cells, divided into many different specific cells and tissues in the human body with the capacity to reproduce and different from other cells and non-exclusive "master" cells are. Stem cells, early embryo, fetal and adult human development to periods in each phase are available. There are three types of stem cells: embryonic, fetal and adult. The use of adult stem cells created and discussions are not generally accepted, embryonic and fetal stem cell research on ethical perspective is discussed in many ways.

Transparency Committee - Transparency Committee
Directive 89/105/EEC (commonly called "Transparency Directive" is referred to as) created pursuant to the European Union Transparency Committee consists of representatives of Member States. The Committee is responsible for drug pricing and reimbursement, and on topics relating to the Transparency Directive, the Commission will make recommendations to.

TRIPs (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - Trade Associated with Intellectual Property Rights)
World Trade Organization's TRIPs Agreement, GATT'ın "the Uruguay Round" of negotiations has emerged as the aforementioned. In this understanding, the World Trade Organization members of the national laws of all states must put in, including patents, intellectual property rights are related to minimum international standards.

Vaccine - Vaccine
To develop protective immunity against infectious diseases medicines are given to the body. (reduced or dead microorganisms - bacteria or viruses). The purpose of disease to people profilaktik conventional vaccine to prevent infection. Therapeutic vaccines, chronic infection with the virus of human body immune system to action for the disposal of the products. Vaccines are preparations of natural, synthetic and may have been derived rekombinan DNA technology.

Virus - Virus
Smaller than bacteria, and live outside of the cell growth of microorganisms and viruses is not possible çoğalaması is called. Virus to survive and reproduce itself for the live cells attacked their chemical properties and uses.

WHO (World Health Organization - World Health Organization)
Center in 1948, which was established in Geneva World Health Organization, United Nations, made up of 191 members is a sub-organization. Organizations, international technical cooperation in the field of health promotion is, to control disease and to eliminate support for various programs and projects shall be executed. The goal is to increase the quality of basic human life

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